Kredits Grant Cycle #4

During the last call we have decided to change the payout ratio between cycle contributions and overall contributions from 50:50 to the golden ratio of 1.618. See meeting notes.


Payout base 0.186392144085386 BTC
Grant cycle budget 0.018639214408539 BTC
Cycle contributions budget 0.011519034504477 BTC
Overall contributions budget 0.007120179904062 BTC
New kredits 23500 KS
Overall kredits 1856000 KS
Monthly reward per token 49.0171681041568 sats
Dividend per token 0.383630382761947 sats
First block number 8031862
Last block number 8193037
Cycle payout (incl. reserved) 0.01863922
Remaining grant budget 0.167752924085386


Spreadsheet: contributor-grants.ods (25.1 KB)

HTML export on IPFS

Payout transaction
