Based on that, and given that we solve the topic Move to native bitcoin multi-sig wallet for community funds within the next few weeks, I would like to propose the first cycle for monthly grants to match block heights roughly for the month of November, starting November 1.
I checked if there’s a nice round block number that we could use for this historic event, but alas, there is not. So we could choose whatever the height is at a predefined time on the 1st. The cycle length in blocks should of course be decided upon in advance, and will inevitably not match calendar dates exactly.
We would need to finish the tasks laid out in the initial-plans topic, most importantly deciding the ratio between grant-by-month and grant-by-overall-contributions. I would propose to decide on an initial number, that I’m sure we’ll have to adjust based on trialing it anyway, during the Kosmos Weekly Call this Thursday.
Of course, we may also want to adjust the cycle length, as well as other variables in the future, based on our experience from the trials.
Everyone agreed to this proposal, and after having demoed the modeling sheets in the call today, we will decide on the initial numbers in next week’s call.
Team @Kredits will pick the block height on Nov 1, and propose a block length for cycles before the next call.
Yes, but in the last call we agreed that we should emulate the automated system, which would need fixed block intervals for cycles. That way, we can see how that would work out on mainnent.
I cannot participate in this week’s call, as I will be on a plane at that time. However, we should really finalize the first cycle and payouts before Christmas IMO.
@Kredits Can we please do a special call about this, perhaps tomorrow afternoon?