Here’s a list of events from before we started to use this Discourse community (moved from wiki):
- Kosmos Summit 2020 - October 10-11, 2020 Sambuca di Sicilia, Italy (+ remote participation)
XMPP Sprint - March 26-29, Berlin, GermanyCancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions- Hacker Beach #8 - January 2020, Santa Marta, Colombia
- DOTS - Dec 5-7, 2019, Nakuru, Kenya
- The Lightning Conference - Oct 19-20, Berlin (lio17, raucao, slvrbckt)
- HCPP - Oct 2019, Prague (lio17, maxsan, raucao, …)
- Kosmos Hackdays 2019/1 (August 26-31, 2019, Berlin)
- Chaos Communication Camp 2019 (August 21-25, 2019, Mildenberg, Germany)
- Kredits Mini Hack Days (April 3-5, 2019, Sambuca di Sicilia, Italy)
- Kosmos Mini Hack Days (March 5-11, 2019, Chiang Saen, Thailand)
- Hacker Beach #7 - Jan 2019, Coron, Philippines
- HCPP - Oct 2018, Prague (lio17, raucao)
- Kosmos Hackdays 2018/1 - Tuscany (Italy) in April (~11-end)
- Hacker Beach #6 (January 2018, Petite Côte, Sénégal)
- SHA2017 (August 4-8, 2017, Zeewolde, NL)
- Kosmos Hackdays 2017/1 (May 2-5, 2017 | during WWWTF Berlin)