Finalizing our first grant cycle using the tools we created for doing this for the last 2 cycles…
Payout base | 0.207102414085386 | BTC |
Grant cycle budget | 0.020710241408539 | BTC |
Cycle contributions budget | 0.010355120704269 | BTC |
Overall contributions budget | 0.010355120704269 | BTC |
New kredits | 48000 | KS |
Overall kredits | 1832500 | KS |
Monthly reward per token | 21.5731681338944 | sats |
Dividend per token | 0.565081620969676 | sats |
First block number | 7859132 | |
Last block number | 8031861 | |
Cycle payout (incl. reserved) | 0.02071027 | |
Remaining grant budget | 0.186392144085386 |
Spreadsheet: contributor-grants.ods (21.5 KB)
Payout transaction